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Similan Island

Similan Island

Program Itinerary

05.30 - 07.30 hrs. Pick up at the lobby of your Phuket Hotel. Arrive safely to Tablamu pier with a smile.

Check-in - Arrive at the pier for check-in and enjoy a light breakfast, such as sandwich,fresh fruit juice,tea and coffee.

Introduce our nature - Loving our tour guide and getting ready for hopping into the boat. Briefing program by professional tour guide about our coral- friendly tour and safety instructions on board.

Let's start! - Hop into our first class speedboat and head for Similan Islands.

Donald Duck Bay Similan Island (Island No.8) - Let's do some hiking to the famous symbolic Sail-Rock for amazing scenery and worth a 100+ likes Instagram shots. After hiking, white sand beach is perfect for relaxing, swimming and sunbathing for beautiful sun-kissed skin.

1st snorkeling spot at Ba Ngu Island (Island No.9) - It's snorkeling time! Let's explore the breathtaking Coral Bay, the best place to see all different kinds of fish in a colorful sightseeing underwater world.

Lunch time - Enjoy a home cooked delicious Thai lunch and fresh fruits on the island with the most beautiful white sand beach in Thailand.

Take a rest at Mieng Island (Island No.4) - Visit and enjoy the gorgeous beach of the Honeymoon Bay & Princess Bay for more scenic photos and relaxing time,

2nd snorkeling spot -Finding Nemo! Arriving at the snorkeling point at Payu Island (Island No.7) where sea turtles and clown fish (Nemo) are often sighted

Time to say goodbye - Heading back from Similan Islands to our pier.

16,30 - 17.30 hrs, Back to the pier - Driver will take you safely back to your hotel,

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